Physio in Singapore
I'm a final year physio student and am currently considering application for jobs in singapore, I've spoken to people from MOH holdings who are recruiting, has anyone had experience of moving/working there that could provide information?
Re: Physio in Singapore
Hi Naomi,
I was just doing a general scan of results for working in Spingapore and seen your thread.
I am also a final year student about to qualify and I was wondering if you had any luck applying for jobs in Singapore??
I was mulling over applying there and would be really interested to hear how you've got on.
Thanks, Brendan
Re: Physio in Singapore
I'm working in Singapore at the moment...
From my experience (moved here one year ago) you will not have much difficulty finding employment - the (public - not sure about private work) hospitals are really keen to take on UK grads and definitely seem to still be looking to take on new staff - each month new overseas PT are joining our department!!
I will add a small note to just be aware of...they work SUPER hard!!! (Long hours, intense workload!) Not quite the same as my junior rotations in the UK! So be prepared...! But I'm certainly gaining a lot from the experience, and Singapore is a great City to be in.
Good luck!
Re: Physio in Singapore
I was just wondering about the process you went through to get a job. I have been looking into it for some time now and havn't had much luck applying online for jobs in Singapore. Did you use a specific site? I a under the impression that you must be offered a job first before you can sort out a workig visa, is this correct?
Any information would be greatly appreciated!
Re: Physio in Singapore
I am also A final year physio student and was just wondering what kind of hours weekly are we talking about in Singapore?? 40+???? does pay compare to UK/Ireland? rotation system still used?
Thanks very much