Shoulder Pain
Hi guys,
I have shoulder pain that is starting to get chronic.
During any horizontal or vertical pushing movement (push up, shoulder press etc.) I get pain that refers to my posterior deltoid and down the posterolateral aspect of my upper arm but doesn't reach the elbow.
No sign of inpingements.
No pain on palpation of subscap tendon.
I have inferior gH instability with a pretty noticable sulcus sign.
Resisted GH abduction = painful especially at 90 degrees
Resisted GH internal rotation = painful
GH abduction to 90 and internal and external rotation in that postion = painful
I have given up push movements at the moment and I am concentrating on pulling and Scap / shoulder cuff work with no real problems.
However after a 6 week lay off I just performed some push ups and I'm back to square one. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.