plzzzzzzz help me
hi every one,
i jus now completed my physiotherapy degree in jss mysore and im interested in joining masters in sports,so im very much confused and dont hav any idea:( regarding which country to choose,which university is good,and abt cost etc....so some 1 plz help in advising me!!
thank you.................
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
Hi devsinth
Australia, NZ, the US and Canada generally offer high quality post grad degrees in sports physiotherapy so have a look at the sites available. Here is a site that lists various schools.
Schools offering Physical Therapy Degrees: The Physical Therapy Web Space (Physiotherapy)
You may get lots of recommendations from people re: favourite schools. However there are also other things to consider such as recognition of the course for where you intend to work. Another thing is to consider if the course is accredited with a national or international body that represents sports physiotherapists. this can help guarantee some quality with the course. another thing to consider is if you want to pursue a sports physiotherapy qualification (clinical focus) or an exercise science course. These obviously overlap but the latter may open doors with exercsie physiology - if you do choose this then proceed with a course at a post graduate level not undergraduate level. these courses may not be run by the physio school but by an exercise science facility.
Another thing to consider however is that as you have no working experience behind it is often wise to get some experience in an appropriate clinic before considering post graduate study. So courses won't admit you without some experience anyway.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
yeah thanx -will check it out..but can i go to research field after my masters like-mspt or mpt!!!!?????
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
Generally there are two avenues of advancement in a post graduate degree. Some masters programmes will be a mixture of course work and a research thesis. Some masters programmes are purely course work - this is a newer development. In our country it is common to do a post. grad. diploma of coursework then a a masters thesis to follow. Melbourne university offers a masters degree of course work (1 year full time), and if you do well in this you can complete a clinical doctorate which is a two year research thesis. It depends what you want to gain out of it and your future career direction. So check out what is on offer.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
Yes, I agree with Mr geoce you need to be get experience even little before doing post graduate........as this experiecnce may deliver you yours research thesis topic!!
Along with check the accredibility of yours hosted university.....
Good luck
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
yeah but many of my seniors r doing their pg without experience na??
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
Some courses will give you access with no experience but many will require you have experience in the area of interest.
In countries such as the UK more newly graduated undergraduates are taking up post-grad courses because they can't get jobs. So you can do it but is it the best way?
In my opinion if you haven't had some experience to draw on then you won't be going into the course with personal patient knowledge that you can reflect on. One of the most instructive processes of post graduate education is thinking about cases where you didn't succeed, or would like to have done better or you got a surprise result, or how you could further develop your knowledge and skills to treat a patient group you are familiar with.
If you are doing a research degree then that is a bit different. However your lack of clinical experience may mean your research question and approach is "off the mark" or lacks meaning, is "too theoretical"
I got so much more out of my post grad experiences when I knew more of what I was doing or not doing well in clinical practice.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
I am confused wether to take up MPH progam or kinesology or excersice sicence...can anybody give me detailed info regarding these subjects plz
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
A post-grad qualification in physiotherapy such as sports physiotherapy will cover such topics as exercise science and biomechanics but it will be primarily therapy oriented. It will be exclusive to physiotherapists. Kinesiology, biomechanics and exercise science courses may cater to other professionals. A biomechanics or kinesiology qualification will concentrate on the basic and applied movement science, often focusing on sports and athletics. An exercise science qualification prepares you more for work as an exercise physiologist so it will include biomechanics but will cover exercise physiology..
These courses all overlap so in choosing a course you need to look at the curriculum, prerequisites and learning objectives to understand what they university is trying to achieve. What you choose to do should be based on your career objectives
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
i believe kinesiology healing is a very unique technique for fitness. Thereby i have also finded a good website which provides good tips on kinesology.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
Is that so Morrison. I suspect you are talking about "applied kinesiology" which has nothing to do with the science of movement and is a bogus "healing technique" with no sound biomedical basis and without a shred of evidence for its effectiveness. This has nothing to do with this discussion.
However I suppose you see it as a bit of free advertising for your website you are trying to make money out of. I note it is the third time you have posted this same message.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
i think you must consult someone specialist who can give you right suggestion on this.
Re: plzzzzzzz help me
ask far as i know.... Australia is the best option for masters in sports physio....i have seen good ones from aus