step deformity after ac resection
Eight months ago I had a ac joint resection because of osteoarthritis and a fall. I did extensive physio to regain range of movement. I was pain free after 5 months. I now have a deformity over the surgery site and the clavical end seems to sit high. I am also experiencing pain at the surgery site when doing things like hanging out the washing etc. Should I return to the surgeon or is this a common occurance and one I need to live with?
Re: step deformity after ac resection
Absolutely. Given that you had a good result and 5 months but are now experiencing pain on an activity it wouldn't hurt to find out what is going on.
Re: step deformity after ac resection
Perhaps post an image if that is possible. If a significant part of the acromion process was resected then this could show a step deformity. Typically though that is a result of an injury to the AC joint - the joint between the collar bone and the acromion.
I agree with gcoe that it wouldn't hurt to get it looked at, I would say by the physio more than by the surgeon in the first instance.
Re: step deformity after ac resection
Hi, thanks for the comments. I have managed to make an appointment for tomorrow - late cancelation, so hopefully I will get some information.