Jobs throughout the UK with SPONSORSHIP?
If you would like to secure a position in the UK and can commit for at least 6 months, then give me a call or send me an email, you have nothing to loose and the experience of a lifetime to gain.
Contact Claire on +44 (0) 20 7629 1666 or email: [email protected]
re: Want to work in the UK but need SPONSORSHIP?
In responce to your mail, I would like to work in UK and need someone to sponsor me. I'm a graduate of physiotherapy with three years working experience. I finished my university education with second class (upper division) degree. And currently, I'm working as a graduate assistant in Department Of Medical Rehabilitation of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria. And at the sametime undergoing my masters programme in the same University. I wish to expose myself to new development in Physiotherapy practise. please contact me at "[email protected]".
Want to work in the UK but need SPONSORSHIP?
claire can i send u my resume for your perusal.