i had come across a case whr a 20yr old female got hypoglycaemic followed by severe cramps in both legs.on glucose administration..the bsl level came to normal..but the cramps persisited for around 2-3hrs.she was just asked to take rest.what could have been done in such a case.??i know this is a very silly question i have asked..but i wanted to know if a physiotherapist could help in such a minor situation also.
thank you.:rolleyes
Treat the underlying cause that is disturbing the muscle physiology after proper investigation of any possible medical problem. However, if the problem is benign, you may apply local heat or cold application according to the patient comfort to break the pain spasm cycle. At the same time try slow gentle and sustained muscle stretching to restore the original lenght of the muscle. It will be of help to you.
Often such muscle spasm may be "cured" with low doses of potassium intakes. The lack of potassium is a common cause of spasms.
I well agree with Bernard. Although not particularly scientific in my evidence I have often suggested potassium and magesium as a supplement for night cramps. This came about after someone close to me had immediate success with the same. She was a ballet dancer who had suffered years of severe night cramps in the calf muscles.
She was cramp free in 48 hours after taking magnesium and potassium as prescribed by a naturopath :)
thanx a lot.
that moment no one was able to do anything about it in our college.
none of our staff members were able to help.
so was wondering..if a physiotherapist cant help in such a small situation whats the use..
but now my opinion has changed
thank you. :)