Physiotherapy and Treatment times
Hi all
I have be steadily having more and more trouble arguing with various private medical insurance companies about the length of treatment time they permit per client.
I spend most of my time doing rehabilitation and as such my sessions are likely to be on average 60mins. With a basic exercise recommendation of 30mins, some manual work for 15 mins, possibly some EPA, checking and practice of home program etc etc, 60 mins seems appropriate. In fact the UK's OCPPP recently published National Averages that have finally broken the 30 minute mark.
I would like to hear from others on a number of fronts:-
1. Many may book people in for a half hour session but the client might spend up to 2 hours rehabilitating in the clinic. Should we not therefore note that the treatment time was actually 2hrs, not 30mins. By charging for 30mins we are telling the insurance companies that this is all the time needed for a treatment session.
2. One company in the UK, PPP will permit a client to have 3-5 - 30 minute sessions in a week, but will not pay for one 60 minute session. Does this not seem wrong if the rehabilitation session needs 60mins to have a positive and lasting effect?
3. It is true that actue injuries might on average require 30 min sessions. However we lump all together. The stroke rehabilitation centres wouldn't achieve much in 30mins so why are we not identifying the type of treatment program that fits with the length of treatment.
I feel these issues need immediate attention from the National associations and a statement should be made and figures collected to separate out the type of treatment from the standard treatment times. What say you all? 8o
Re: Physio & Treatment times
I have only got round this a couple of times, and most often when the client has been Orthopaedic Surgeon referred, and lived a distance away. I argued that my one hour appointments where cheaper than two half hour appointments and they got paid by the health insurance company. However, I did have to have support from the surgeon. In general I usually do longer rehab appointments, but overlap these appoitments with other clients, so the client is working away in the background, with me popping in and out on rehab while I'm one to one with someone else. I then see them one to one for 20 mins so that the whole counts as a single consultation.
I find my normal consultation time is 40 mins and my rehab appoints last 1 hour. However I always charge for 30 mins.
Have you read my post on the refer and do not refer guidelines ? I would appreciate your comments