Group therapy
I am trying to find some information about group therapy that can be used in the rehabilitation of mainly elderly rehab patients. This class should be simple enough that the patient's can understand it easily and a rehab assistant will be confident in taking the class. Does any one know where i can start looking for information because having such a broad title makes searches dificult.
I would be grateful of any help.
re: Group therapy
we run balance groups at our rehab hospital in bristol. and also in our day unit. as the name suggests we currently concentrate on balance exercise, ranging from the easy to the near hazardous!. We use the 'berg' balance scale as our outcome measure. We are currently undertaking an audit of uor groups as part of the multifactorial input for elderly fallers. We aim to introduce a strengthning component as the evidence is directing us towards this knd of input. The groups are run by a physio assistant under the supervision of a physiotherapist. The aim is to enable other members of the team to run the group to allow for '7 day' rehabilitation.
would be happy to send you a list of our exs, selectin and exclusion criteria for our groups