Can anyone give me any tips or advice on what I should say or do at a physiotherapy interview at a university?
Any help would be appreciated!
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Can anyone give me any tips or advice on what I should say or do at a physiotherapy interview at a university?
Any help would be appreciated!
I'm a 1st year Physio Student at Nottingham Uni. From my experience last year (attended 3 interviews and was offered places at all) the hardest question I had was 'Why Nottingham Uni ?'
I had fortunately done my research so had details such as -
1. Doing placements in the 2nd year, so all theory done in 1st year.
2. They teach by using cadavars (bodies donated to science) - this is an amazing way to learn.
3. They are very focussed in research, so academic work is of a high standard.
4. They had in the prospectus that you could do acupuncture in the 3rd year, I really want to do that - so that showed that I was interested in their course.
You need to do your research on the uni you are being interviewed for.
You need to know WHY you want to be a physio.
What strengths can you offer
What have you already experienced.
Something that shows you are different, I skydive, so said if I can throw myself out of a plane....I'm sure I can do anything I put my mind to !!
You need to show your enthusiasm and committment to them, the NHS invest a lot of time and money training you, the uni needs to know that you are capable and really want to be a physio.
One crazy question I was asked - Why didn't I apply to study medicine ? I'm too squeemish and know that I want to be part of the rehabilitation side of medicine and assist people in their recovery. So that helped me answer that one.
I bought a book on ebay which was called something like - How do apply and get a place to study physiotherapy' - this had loads of sample questions in and tells you how to prepare for the interview. I've loaned my book to a friend, so can't quote from it. Google it...I'm sure you'll find it, well worth the £12 or so I paid.
Good luck, hope you are successful
Goosey ;)