15 month old with athetoid CP
I have been asked to treat a 15 month old boy with athetoid CP. I have no paeds training and really dont know where to start with him. He has poor head control, can log roll only to one side and has very poor truncal control. Could anyone give me some pointers on where to start with this boy or even suggest some good texts or websites for me to read. HELP! I feel so helpless but really want to assist him and his family with his rehab.
Re: 15 month old with athetoid CP
dear colleague,
great that you are willing to try and realize you need help.
Is there no-one around that knows a bit about paediatrics at all?
I would certainly suggest reading all the posts in this forum (last 2 years).
Some of your questions will be answered in them. You will find a lot of references.
I can certainly advice to go to www.skillforaction.com and start reading there as well.
I wish you well.
Re: 15 month old with athetoid CP
Thanks for your response. I will most definitely look through the forum pages. I tried accessing the webpage that you suggested however my browser tells me that there is no such website. Have you spelt it incorrectly?
There are some paeds trained physio's that I can get in touch with, but I am hoping that I can get some other hints on this forum.
Re: 15 month old with athetoid CP