Scar tissue build up in back?
I've been suffering from fairly low level but constant lower back pain for the past few years. I finally decided to get an
MRI done which showed a degenerated and bulging disc at L4/5.
However the pain I get is more 'nagging' and constant in nature and it is centred at two areas lower down on the pelvis, about 2 inches either side of the spine. The MRI report mentions sclerosis above the SI joints- could this explain my pain? The two areas feel 'lumpy' and are very tender to the touch, could this be scar tissue from micro-trauma i.e. wear and tear? I did weight training for a number of years and hurt my back a few times although usually it healed in few days to a week.
Any thought are much appreciated.
Re: Scar tissue build up in back?
Just an update on this. I went to a different physio yesterday. She says the areas of pain are over the raised areas of the SI joints. However there are no problems with the joints themselves, she tested my leg movement and also the
MRI showed things were ok.
The Physio thinks that the pain is caused by a disc issue further up, possibly from L1/L2, however I'm not so sure. Anyone have any thoughts on this?