Re: Equine Physio question
Is it possible for you to post a picture so that we can more clearly see what you are referring to? Many thanks
Re: Equine Physio question
If the rules in Ireland are the same as in England any Equine Physio work has to be allowed and pre-assessed by a vet.... Why not let an equine physio look at him. To assess it needs palpation of structures, joint testing, movement evaluation, symetry asymetry observation and history taking to involve work done, training and experience of horse and rider, past minor or major incidents etc. A melon sounds a bit big to be "nothing". Is it only on one side? Has the horse been lame, slightly lame or show irregularities in gait? is the tail often on one side?. An online diagnosis is a bit difficult really. There are web sites for finding equine therapists in the UK (but is this horse in Ireland?) People competing to "high level" in whatever disipline usually find physios suitably qualified to assess and treat if neccessary.
regards JM