Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
I twisted by right ankle quite badly about 2 years ago (stepped on the outside side of my foot whilst playing badminton).
Ever since, my foot has not been right, I don't have as much support on the instep of my foot and as you can see from the below image, it is misshapen as a result of the sprain.
I find when I'm using the cross trainer (an also whilst cycling yesterday clipped into the bike for the first time) I have less control over my right knee.
Doing the cross trainer, leg press, and barbell deadlift also result in having a pain in my right knee.
Are there any exercises I can do to help improve the shape/stability of my foot? (would different shoes help?) Would it be worth seeing a physio?
Thank you,
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
Hay Jonathan!
Following ankle instability it is very common for clients to get knee pain. This can be due to a number of factors. It would probably be highly beneficial to go see your local physio to get this assessed. However, If you are after more help on here, can you also post a front, side, front and to the left (so we can see the inside of your foot while standing normally, and also front and side when standing on one leg. I know this is a lot of photos, but would give us a lot more to go on.
Also, can you include your foot and knee in these photos? And describe some more symptoms of your pain, location, intensity, type, duration of onset, aggravating factors, do you notice any differences between the two knees? What are your current shoes like, any orthotics? Try and give us as much information to correctly diagnose you.
If you go to see a physio, let us know what he diagnoses and we can give advice on any exercise prescription / ideas for your rehab.
:) Regards,
Additional Comment I forgot:
Here is an article on chronic ankle instability which might help you get a good idea of what is likely going on in your ankle.
Functional Anatomy, Pathomechanics, and Pathophysiology of Lateral Ankle Instability
" Functional instability is driven by insufficiencies in proprioception, neuromuscular control, postural control, and strength "
Taken from the article, these deficits can also lead to poor knee mechanics/control/loading patterns/muscle activation patterns etc. in the knee. Have a read and get back to us on some of those questions I asked, and we will see what we can do!
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
Hello Musculoman,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I don't get pain in my foot very often. It does hurt a bit now when I walk (I think this is a result of cycling clipped in yesterday) at point 1 in the picture below. The best way I can describe it is like when you pull a muscle (an aching type pain) but is quite a mild pain. It hurt more when I had my trainers on earlier. I also get a similar pain when I walk a long distance (about 10 miles).
edit: it is also hurting between points 1 and 2 when I walk. This is more of a sharp (stabbing) pain.
I did buy some new shoes a couple of weeks ago. I have only worn them a couple times because my feet really hurt with them on. I think it was more at point 2 in the photo that they hurt but I can't remember (it may have been point 1 and 2). My current shoes are just normal one but they seem to give more lee-way to the inside of my foot as the leather is quite soft whereas my new ones are more rigid.
Also, my right foot also feels quite unstable when standing on one foot compared to my left.
My knee only really hurts when I do the exercises I mentioned in my first post. The only one of those I currently do is the cross-trainer. With that I get a sharp pain just below my knee cap on the inside of my right knee. (about 15 minutes into the session). One the cross trainer, my knee seems to want to move inwards on the downward push (like a stirring motion) whereas my left knee stays in-line.
I will try to post photos of my knee/foot in the post below.
I will also have a read of that article you've posted (it does look very relevant to my injury) and also have a look at seeing a physio.
Let me know if you need any more information and thanks again for your help.
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
Hay Mate,
Sorry Been a bit busy, will give you a reply tonight. I think I have your diagnosis for that right knee :) It is quite evident on some of the photos. Will fill you in tonight (about 6 hours from now)
Sorry @ work atm.
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
Hay Jono, I know I promised you a reply but I want to give you all the information, and I just don't have time as of tonight. Have tomorrow morning off, stay tuned!
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
Thanks a lot for taking the time to look at this for me.
I look forward to your reply! :)
Re: Ankle Sprain - Foot stability
it is really like that, the pain is so stubbing even just a few steps.
but the best thing you can do is do exercise even though it hurts. it's for your own good and you have to sacrifice for that. hope your doing good now.