Any thoughts?
i have an 18 month old son and for the last few months he has seen firstly a physio and now a physio tech instructor. Basically he was very late to sit up (about 14 or 15 months) but crawled at 12 months. He now crawls well but for a long time dragged one side (left) and the instructor says he has a weakness on his left side. He can pull himself up against the sofa etc but cannot put his feet flat. He has not started cruising at all yet :/ No sign of weightbearing as he is on tiptoes and leans at an angle against the sofa. No standing alone. Now he is going to be given gaiters which he has to wear a couple of times a day for say 30 mins or so. I've been told there is nothing physically wrong with him as far as we can see. I just feel like it's going on forever and it all feels very depressing tbh.