(Pics) No Wrist Extension: After fracture and Plates Installation
Dear Members,
My name is Fahad and I am from Mumbai, India.
I met with a bike accident on January 23, 2010.
Both my hands suffered severe wrist fractures. The doctors said they had not seen such a worse fracture in their medical history and they first thought that my right hand would be unusable.
Titanium plates were installed in my both hands and right hand was more severely fractured. Bones were broken into pieces and scattered everywhere. My hands were in a cast for 3 months and this is the 7th month and my right hand bones are yet to appear joined.
I have been doing physio therapy since past 3 months. Got the pronation and supination movements back, however I still can't make a fist but its becoming normal. I guess in a month's time I would be able to make a fish.
However one major problem is that I am unable to make wrist extension which means that if I happen to fall in future, I won't be able to save myself. Wrist extension is not even 5 degrees. Wrist is badly deformed.
Here are my right hand pics:
1. February 2010 Pic, a week after the operation:
2. May 2010 X-ray
3. August 5, 2010 (taken today)
4. Me (Hiding my wrists :)
Re: (Pics) No Wrist Extension: After fracture and Plates Installation
Re: (Pics) No Wrist Extension: After fracture and Plates Installation
buddy i m from mumbai physiotherapist only, if ur all rite then ok if still carryin problem consult me my num is 9702852007:)