Application forms
I am a newly qualified physio looking to begin my career in London and I am currently failing to get short-listed for interview as a result of my application form. I ahave seeked advice from the careers department at my university as well as from other sources but I am not content. I would be grateful if anyone knew the key elements that must be stated clearly in the personal statement in order to allow me to reach interview stages.
re: Application forms
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is difficult to say without seeing the application form you are completing.
I work for The Placement Company in Australia which has a relationship with a number of recruitment agencies in the Uk who employ physiotherapists.
If you would like to send me a copy of your resume, and detail where you wish to work, what sort of hours, any clinical areas of interest, I will pass it on to one of the agencies for their feedback.
Best of luck.
Stuart Butel
Em/: [email protected]