Muscle Strain Healing Psoas/Hip?
I posted a couple of times about hamstring & SI joint issue, and went to see an osteopath recommended - who confirmed what the physios on here said about posture, short muscles etc.
MRI scan found 3 bulging discs, no nerve root compression. Osteo thought hamstring pain not as a result of discs. But at the time the hamstring felt strained.
He said that my psoas muscles were very tight, and did some deep but gentle work to try and release, and told me not to stretch as this would not help at this stage. That night, in bed, it felt like the psoas was strained. Inflammed around hip 'bump' and side, very painful. Iced it for few days.
However, that is now 3.5 weeks ago, and I am still horizontal. I rest almost 24/7 - and I mean rest, but my hip/groin area just gets inflammed after an initial improvement after few days of rest.
If I walk on it even just a little too much, like one too many trips to the bathroom, it will be very sore. I am taking NSAIDS and codene. Ice when it's inflammed.
My question is this: Even though it's getting inflammed again, is the muscle healing? I have a worry that unless I am horizontal COMPLETELY and never put weight on my left leg, that it won't heal. Of course this is impossible, I live alone and have to hobble to the loo, to the fridge, to bed, even whlist all my cleaning, cooking is being done by friends.
Will it just heal more slowly? I am being *very* conservative in my activities.
I shall be seeing the osteo again soon. But interested in the muscle healing process.