I need help in getting a reseach topic! If anyone can pls help.
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I need help in getting a reseach topic! If anyone can pls help.
Zainab this is not a good place to start. Instead you should consider what might interest you . You have the opportunity to do something that may increase your knowledge about a particular problem in physiotherapy and to think independently. So think about experiences you have had on your course: particular experiences with patients, assessment or management, issues in physio you have had to face and find out about. Often a good problem to look at is something that didn't go that well. Then have a read of the literature you can find around the problem. And talk to your faculty staff about what may interest you and seek their help and direction. It doesn't matter if you change your ideas ad you seek out a topic. That is part of the process of formulating a research project. But don't ask for someone to give you a topic on a plate - you won't learn to think for yourself that way.