knee is not bending
Hi all, I met with an accident 1 year back and mine both legs and both hands are broken i got an operation at an hospital and later after 1 month in "nov09" i was attacked with an infection on my left leg tigh and now also i am having infection due to it i hadent moved my leg so many days as i am having pain so now my leg is not bending at the knee while i am trying i am getting a pain in my tigh i think its muscle pain i ma trying to do exercise daily like lifting my leg but i cannot lift my leg even an inch remaning leg and hands are good now except left leg i had an facture in left tigh
can some one please tell me an solution for this as its been an so many days
if my leg bends at knee i think i can walk and so my daily work and i a physiothearpist is coming to my home daily and making me to do some excercises please some one can tell me a solution
waiting for reply i need to know how to bend my leg at knee if their is a process tell me i will ask my physio to do it
thank you
Re: knee is not bending
hi uday
i have sent you three mail but very strange no rep is seen.anyway what is your p.therapist using the method is using let me know .than i will explain.and tell much you knee is bending.
best wishes
Re: knee is not bending
dr.rana i am getting only 90 degrees i am not getting 45 degrees bend now
in mean time i had fallen and had an another injury ata hip i was operated again and while operation they did my knee bending but now i am getting on 90 degrees
Re: knee is not bending
hi uday
it is good that knee is bending 90 .now tell me that what treatment is doing your physiotherapist.i will add some this in it .
with best wishes