Is there a need for a Scheduling, Tracking & Documentation Svc?
I would like to get your thoughts on a niche need that has come across my way. I have a few PTs and OT's that do contracting in Home Care. They hate the administrative tasks that come with contracting in Home Health. I create customized scheduling (based on geography) less wear and tear on their cars, create schedule weekly based on therapist availability (as its ever changing), manage patient treatment and provider info (documentation), provide alerts when patient is up for re-cert or discharge, track mileage/provide maps and provide end of year paperwork (documentation) on all patients treated for tax purposes. I do this for a small fee based on # of appts scheduled. So far my therapists are happy with this service and seem to have more time doing patient care (and more $$) and less administrative tasks. In your opinion as Allied Health Care professionals, is this a type of service that would be helpful or appealing to you? I'm trying to see if there is a need for something like this before marketing it. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Re: Is there a need for a Scheduling, Tracking & Documentation Svc?
Very ok,in so doing i will be able to give more time to my patients and have time to do more creative things,i support u
Take care,
Lucy Laguda