Injured while lifting weights
I hurt my bicep very badly lifting weights, I can’t exercise for a few weeks according to the doctor and I have to get some exams done on it.
Does anyone have any natural medicine or medicine in general that they can recommend. The last thing I want to hear is that I need surgery.
Re: Injured while lifting weights
For now best thing you can do is rest and do gentle Range of motion at the elbow and shoulder.... How badly is it hurt? Have you ruptured the bicep tendon? - I'd expect your doc to have done tests already if this were the case as it's relatively easy to pick up. I suspect that if there was anything more than a mild tear your doc should have already referred you for the exams... Not always the case though. In terms of dietary suppliments... not my field of expertise. I suggest just giving it some time for now, working with your doctor to get the scans and answers you want. Without knowing the extent of the damage I can't offer any more advice at the moment past whats already been said and go see a physio for an assessment of the area.
Re: Injured while lifting weights
Hi Pudding,
Thanks for the advice, It was nothing major, but it really hurt, I started doing some physio on it justto make sure the recovery process is done correctly. My therapist recommended a cream that I have been using and it seems to go very well with my treatment, it's called Quantum Extreme, have you heard of it?
Re: Injured while lifting weights
No I haven't but I reacon if you added a few more boy words it could be anything and you could sell it to men. 'Quantum extreme' - Sounds like a razor. Add the words power and stealth and I'd buy it. haha
Re: Injured while lifting weights
Hahaha, makes sense, you can find it Maybe they should call it Quantum Extreme Boy. hahahaha