Enquiry on baby with lack of neck control
My baby is 7 months old. She still does not have neck control. So, during tummy time, she can't raise her head up yet. Paediatrician suspects she has hypotonia. She has yet to go through
MRI, etc. Her hands and leg muscles seem strong. I would like to find out the type of physiotheraphy I can help her with such as where to locate the video material from this website to guide me.
Any information you are able to share will be helpful.
Thank you.
Re: Enquiry on baby with lack of neck control
I think more than physiotherapy, at this stage you should focus on diagnosis of any ailment which could cause the hypotonia. It is no doubt that physiotherapy can help with the neck control issue, but it could also cause the diagnosis to remain obscured, which will definitely not be worth the risk in the longer term.
Re: Enquiry on baby with lack of neck control
Dear May,
I can recommend you start reading the information that is available on the following website About skillsforaction.com | skillsforaction.com
On it my colleague gives a lot of information not only about normal developing infants, but also about infants that are having problems.
She has some very good ideas and suggestions with pictures and video's. Please take your time to read everything Pam writes on her site.
One practical suggestion to start helping your baby is, changing the supporting plane... if you give your child a diagonal plane he/she might be able to lift his/her head.If this is the case, let him/her practice this a lot.
kind regards