Successful credentialling from a 2 year UK MSc course?
Hi everyone, I graduated from a UK 2-year MSc physiotherapy course in 2010 and i'm having problems with my Canadian credentialling. I received a response from the Alliance stating that they require more information that proves that I covered certain content areas on my course. I would love to get some advice from someone who has successfully completed the credentialling process after completing a 2-year UK MSc course. I would be happy to share my experiences with anyone having similar difficulties.
Thank you,
Re: Successful credentialling from a 2 year UK MSc course?
I was successful with the Alliance after a two year MSc in UK. It is a little annoying as the Alliance keep asking for more and more info. However I did get my course details from my BSc and my MSc and these were accepted by the Alliance. Was 3 years ago so hard to remember the details but think the colleges had to send them direct to Alliance. When you start the process you are assigned a liason person in the Alliance and they are very prompt with email replys to any questions. Good Luck