Alarm to all physio in HK...
There will be a system in HK...called CPD scheme...that is linked to the practising cert...that means u must join the courses organised by HK physio assoc. (MUST) in order to get enough points to renew your cert...if u don't join those courses...u may not have enough points to renew your cert, and u will be unable to register as a physio again in HK...what do u guys reckon???
re: Alarm to all physio in HK...
this system has alrady failed in all the major countries, Uk/Australia etc. It is thee members that have made it fail as they refused to do Assoc. only courses. Many infact simply don't join their national associations as they don't need to be members. You won't find that the registration bodies for public health require CPD at this stage. CPD however as a concept should be embraced by all and should be part of all our professional practise. richard