Back Pain
Hi , i had suffer a back pain before but now the pain is sudside but sometimes i felt pain at my sacral region and sometimes the pain is like sharp but flashing from my hamstring untill my sacral, i had go to a hospital the doctor diagnose me as l4 - l5 muscle spasm, but its weird i tried all do some excercise and used hot pack to relax the muscle and it worked but still had the pain and when i crossitting or sitting in a chair with single leg cross i get numbness fast ard 30 sec started to feel tingling sensation is that cause of my circulation of my leg is bad or d/t thight hamstring?and at 1st the pain is at my lumbar part now its moves to my sacral part can that occur?
Re: Back Pain
Hello Tapamaus,
Can you pinpoint any particular part of your spine or your pain in the back is more diffused and generalised? does it affect just one side or it crosses? How did that happen? Can you recognise an onset?There are any aggravating/relieving factors a part from crossing your legs? does it improve or worsen with specific movement such bending forward or backward or maybe twisting?Where exactly this numbness is felt? have u got any other funny sensations as pins and needles or muscle weakness? there are any specific daily pattern? Has the radiation ever gone down to your calf or toe? how is it progressing? is it getting worse or better? Have you noticed any change in bowel habits or passing water? Have you had scans for that problem?
Let us know
Re: Back Pain
the pain affact 1 side left lower limb, sometimes my there is pain too in my abit right of my sciatic nerve mybe?becos its a little bit right and down of my ASIS. when i cross my leg it relieve the pain, when i backward and bend of my back its felt like stiff and a little bit of pain, the pain felt like some pressure or like there is something inside being compress, there is no pain when i twisting, mybe there is a change of my bowel habits but im not sure but when i urinate its like not satisfying ex: not urinating fully. numbness usually at my toe