Another Brit hoping to figure out the Australian process!
Another one of these I'm afraid! I'm due to qualify from a British Uni in July, and have been planning on heading out to Australia as soon as possible really. I've been reading a lot in to the process of registration/accreditation for out there for months now, but it's all getting a little overwhelming/confusing, and was hoping someone could give me some advice!
I understand that the written exams are in September and March, but has anybody got any idea of where these can be taken? I guess that's the first step to start with, before I can plan too much further ahead. If I'm wrong on this, please correct me!!
Thanks in advance for any help that can be offered!!
Re: Another Brit hoping to figure out the Australian process!
Written exam can be taken anywhere in the world, so if you get your paperwork into the Physio council soon, you will be able to do that in March. Once that is completed, the practical exam will have to be taken in Australia in September 2012. Good Luck!
Re: Another Brit hoping to figure out the Australian process!
Can someone post titles of useful books for preparing that written part of the exam?!