Treatment regimen for calcified supraspinatus?
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good studies, or has clinical experience, of treating patients with calcifications in the shoulder joints, specifically the supraspinatus? I have a patient who has had pain from this for 3 months now.
Would light, circulatory exercises for the rotatorcuff and other shoulder muscles with theraband be a good idea? Generally speaking, how large chance is there of a muscle tear occuring when exercising a calcified muscle?
Thanks in advance!
Re: Treatment regimen for calcified supraspinatus?
I`ve read some articles showing good effect from shockwave therapy and others supporting ultrasound therapy...sorry I`ve read it long time and i don`t have the reference...according to my experience the isometric exercise worked pretty well.
Re: Treatment regimen for calcified supraspinatus?
[QUOTE=Termy;53550]Hi, hey friend! hope you have xray proof for calcification. if s, tyr treating with ultrasound therapy first. if the pt have pain, it will get decreased by ust. then after 4 days u start mobilising. passive movements,active exercises should be followed. if u r nt clear with my ans, send me complete details of the pt