Knee pain and other problems. Please help!
I am a singer and dancer. My career is obviously very physical and I have been experiencing some problems since childhood, which have recently been getting worse. I have Osgood-Schlatters, fallen arches and hyperflexible joints. I began to get physio treatment for lower knee-cap pain and scar tissue in my foot. This has now improved (almost gone). I know however experience sharp interior knee pain down both knees (worse on the right side).
I get sharp hip pain after dance too. I have also had an ongoing right shoulder problem, extremely tight neck down the right hand side. I have been treating this recently and believe the problem began with an elbow dislocation 16 years ago. I am now 31. I had no advice on rehabilitation of any sort after the injury.
I love to dance and sing and they require a lot of body confidence to move around the stage, the pain is really getting me down. I am scared I will have to give up dancing.
I am trying to rehabilitate and strengthen all the weakened areas. Does any one have any ideas of what I should do?
I would be really grateful for any advice...I will try and see a new physio as mine has left the area. I currently have very little money but need to do something about the pain now as the situation is distressing.
I am also after nutritional advice and advice around dancing. I don't want to damage anything further. Is this a problem I can solve?
Re: Knee pain and other problems. Please help!
u better strenghthen ur lower limb muscles&go for stretching ur shoulder&neck muscles..