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Hi to all of you,
I am a young physiotherapist and I d like to share with you a case that I am having some months now. Apparentely the right diagnosis is not made yet so every treatment we have tried doesnt have the expected outcomes. I thought that by posting here I could have some more suggestions for what else to look for.
The patient is a woman 19y.o. She was a track and field athlete but she had to stop 4 years ago due to tendinopathy of both achilles and a partial rupture of the right one. She has taken physiotherapies for this ( ultrasound, tens, biofeedback, strengthening exercises) but always had short time effects. 1 year ago a leg length discrepancy was found with the right being 1.5cm longer. special inlayers are provided. the patient complains that carriability of her has decreased dramatically to the point that half an hour walking or just 10min of standing gives pain to the back that radiates to the whole both legs. Trigger points were found in piriformis, glut. med. , glut max as well as errector spinae. Hypomobility of sacroiliac joint exists. Manipulation of lumbar and thoracic spine is difficult and not firm. A huge contracture of the errector spinae is present. We gave her a rehab programme with strengthening, stretching and coordination exercises as well as running at home. We tried myofascial release techniques that seemed to help but really slow.We changed to dry needling so as to have faster effects and after the 2 first days she was complaining for severe attacks of back pain and tigling and numbness in the groin. Lasted 2-3 days and then relaxation came. 2 weeks after she was complaining for pain all over the legs and hypertonicity was present in lower extremity. In addition there are muscle twiches present quite often. All reflexes were absolutely fine. That make me think more the musculature but is really more forcefull than I expect.