How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
Guys..There are sooo many figures in the internet based on the salary for physiotherapist...Some soo low and some very high..Is 2011..Articles on the internet based on this is 3 or 4 years old..I wanna the exact salary thata qualified physiotherapist would get in 2011..Dont think that I'm a salary person..I just wanna know thats all..
Re: How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
in india or everywhere? i earn about 26k a year with my full time and extra part time work
Re: How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
Originally Posted by
in india or everywhere? i earn about 26k a year with my full time and extra part time work
Your a physiotherapist student....Or do you work while you study..Are you a Fresher ??
Re: How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
um i graduated in july 2010, just never bothered to update my profile.
Re: How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
So you are a fresher...Dont worry..your salary will increase according to you experience....You just gotta be up to date..26K isnt bad for a fresher :)
Re: How much do you get Paid as a Physiotherapist???
Hi keb050.
Your question is far to general to give an answer on. The pay levels vary from country to country, from city to city, from private practice to public sector work etc etc. Perhaps if you can be specific to all factors then someone from that country in that sector with a similar experience may be able to offer some sort of answer. In many western countries you may even be on a percentage of revenue generated per annum and so no amount would be a general answer.