Re: 4.5 month old MCL Sprain
Hi, consider wax bath treatment for ur MCL. apply it twice a day for 10-12 minutes followed by mild stretching of medial compartment of knee.
WAx bath therapy is available on thera band's website, u can order one from there. or u can find it in a near by physio clinic.
i hope this will help u.
Re: 4.5 month old MCL Sprain
Hey, thanks for your reply.
Can you tell me a little more about what exactly that will do for my injury/pain?
I'm also curious as to what would be causing the pain after 4.5 months?
Re: 4.5 month old MCL Sprain
The pain might be due to improper rehab or cold weather or you might be putting too much stress on your knee. If you are not a pro athlete , i suggest you to not to put much stress on your knee. If you are jogging or going to a gym, i suggest you to wear a knee cap while jogging/running. And before doing any exercise do proper stretching and warm up to avoid injuries. And try the regimen i told you in last post.
Recover soon! Good Luck!