ankle clicking and pain
Hello, was wondering if anyone could help me?
I have had ankle clicking and pain for some years and usually occurs when resting ( especially after long periods on my feet). Over the past few months the pain has got much worse and occurs almost constantly when there is no weight on my ankle and is at it's worse at night. The morning after and sometimes for the whole day after spending a while on my feet my ankle is very unstable and feels like it might give way when walking on it. This also occurs after driving for long periods. This may have gotten worse due to my holiday job working behind a bar where I am constantly on my feet for around 8 hours and then have to drive.
I have also over the last month noticed this pain being present in my knee on and off.
I don't want to go to the doctors if this is fairly minor but it has now started to effect everyday life.
Any suggestions for what is causing this and how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.