Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Hi Laura. I've been trying to figure out this option too. From what I can understand, officially you don't have to work in NZ, or even go there to then use the trans-tasman agreement to get your Aus registration. However, I have been advised recently by some recruitment agents here in Aus that whilst a couple of years ago this was quite straighforward, the APC are now quite aware that lots of people are using the trans-tasman option to avoid the Aus reg process, and therefore have been known to demand that you still take the APC exams etc even with NZ reg... which means you (or your partner) would go through all the NZ paperwork etc (there is a LOT of paperwork for NZ) for nothing.
But if you have the option to go via NZ and do a short period of locum work there first, it should be no problem. However, some people have gone directly to Aus and it worked ok for them. So hard to know - but sounds like now this is not guaranteed.
I haven't been able to get any official answers from the APC on this just trying to figure it out!!
Good luck
Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Hi Laura the aus/ NZ reciprocal agreement requires UK trained physios to
1. apply to register with NZ physio board via overseas application
- takes minimum 2 months, $1220 Involves putting together a lengthy document of competencies and supporting documentaion (they ask for alot) 2. apply for NZ annual practicing certificate through NZ physioboard - $250
If you have obtaind NZ registration within the previous 3 months it appears you do not need to supply further supporting documentation
3. apply to australian physiotherapy board to register under Trans Tasman agreement - on Australian Physiotherapy Board's website
hope this helps, I found that there is alot of information out there to get through but I hope this simplifies things for you.
Finally I am uncertain if its necessary to obtain some kind of annual practicing certificate in Australia following registration there, hopefully this isnt the case.
Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Hi Laura,
I'm in the same quandary as you I think! My concern is how secure the Trans-Tasman route is? I'm a week off submitting my NZ physio application and like you and your hubby intend on working in Australia. Have you had any further clarrification on whether you have to re-register with NZ each year in order to remain under the Trans-Tasman agreement to continue working in Oz?
If this is the case, how feasable is it to re-new NZ reg without actually working there? And to do it for long term???!!! *stress*
Hope you and your hubby are dooing well with your application!
Best wishes,
Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Just a bit of information for people. I am a UK qualified physio that gained NZ rego in the last year and am now in Australia. I have full AHPRA rego as a result of the trans tasman agreement.
The trans tasman agreement is a legal agreement between the governments of Australia and NZ. The agreement basically stipulates that anyone who is registered for a profession in NZ (not just physio) can practice that profession in Australia provided that the profession is sufficiently similar in it's role and expectations. Therefore if you are registered for physio in one of the countries you can be registered in the other.
However remember that when you send in the application for NZ you are signing a declaration that you intend to work there. And even though it may be cheaper it should not be viewed as the easier option as the NZ board rigorously assess applications and will continually request any information they require. If they are still unsure of your competency they may request that you take practical exams in NZ. I have been to both countries on a working holiday and it made no sense to go through the Aussie reg process considering the cost and length of time. And if I had gained limited registration then it wouldn't have transferred to NZ as general registration.
As far as I am aware you only have to re-register with AHPRA, it is not a requirement to re-register in NZ every year.
Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Did any of your applications to NZ or Australia work out as I am currently in the same situation
Re: Trans-tasman agreement
Hi Everyone,
I just have a quick question, I already hold New Zealand registration and I am looking to gain my registration in Australia, I have filled in and sent off the Application for registration under mutual recognition form to AHPRA, but I was wondering if I needed to fill in any futher forms??
Any info would be much appreciated as I am due to make the move to Australia in two months time!!!
Many Thanks