How To Be A Sports Therapist?
Like the above tittle i was wondering how do i become a sports therapist i just finish my diploma in physiotherapy and i was wondering how do i go about doing sports physio.Is there a place where i can do a sports degree immediately or must i do a degree in basic physiotherapy n then, my masters in spots? plz help me out i am lost...........
Re: How To Be A Sports Therapist?
To become a Sports Therapist first you should be graduate, now you had completed diploma, now next step is take a admission in physiotherapy college for further education, In that select a degree course in Sport and Exercise Science, this would include subjects such as physiology and biomechanics as well as psychology, although you could focus on sport and exercise psychology. After completion of degree start practice in physio studio. Because in this field require high level of experience.
Re: How To Be A Sports Therapist?
thank u allina i kinda of realize ur from the uk do u noe any university there which has these courses by any chance?
or do u have any links which will be usefull.
Re: How To Be A Sports Therapist?
Hello Nerradk,
I am not aware which one is the best college for sport physiotherapist, but do one thing, search on the internet also take a recommendation from physiotherapist. That will help you.
Re: How To Be A Sports Therapist?
thank you so much you have been a real help...