complex case requring urgent assistance n professional suggestion
I NEED ASSITANT W/ A CASE OF PATIENT HIT BY A CAR, W/ ONSET OF CONSTANT BACK PAIN AND SHARP PAIN IN GROIN AREA, + SI COMPRESSION, +SLR currently resolved, femoral and inguinal nerve stretch produced sharp pain likewise any pressure on left hip, pts gait pattern shows more limpin on left sec to pain, however the position of FABER test relieves pain in groin. for the patient(flexion ,abd and er of L hip)
i hv seen this pt for 2 sessions now and today i try to palpate the origin on her L side iliopsoas (sidelying) it was so tender and pt reports sharp pain.... im still confused and wouldnt knw whats actually wrong, could this be labral tear in d hip joint or a dysfunction in the biomechanics of the SI jt? if so , what interventions would u reccommend?
Also, Her PSIS on left is tender and produces pain. (can u expalin d cause of pain on psis in most pt w/ back pain).
kindly accord necessary assistance. thanks
Re: complex case requring urgent assistance n professional suggestion
Two things here. One is that all sharp pain is not nerve related. Most pain is of a soft tissue origin, no matter what the description. The other thing is there is likely to be weakness in the muscles of the left hip. See if you can check strength of the hip flexors and abductors to start. You might find pain on either or both of these, which indicates compensation of other muscles, eg adductors, to counter the weakness in the abductors or flexors. Weakness is usually caused by sympathetic dysfunction not controlling blood flow to the area correctly, or by fascial tightness in the area or surrounding the muscles. Tightness can be treated with myofascial release and stretch. Strength will normalise if the muscles have space and blood flow. More stability in hips means less compensating, thus less pain.
Re: complex case requring urgent assistance n professional suggestion
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