Physio talk to kids - help?!
I've got to do an hour presentation on physiotherapy to a group of around twelve 15 year olds. I've worked out a rough format but need to get some practical element in, get them up and doing something so that they don't get bored.
Can anyone think of some interesting/cool physio 'tricks' to demonstrate/get them to have a go at? I've thought of getting them to try finding the reflex points i.e. patella etc but anymore suggestions would be very very welcome, thanks!
Re: Physio talk to kids - help?!
hi you could do an Anatomy game, get the kids to face each other after you have told them the names of each bone in the skele and then use the whiteboard with all there (kids) names on and do a tally chart to see who has won.while your calling the names out the kids look at each other and you will see who is paying attension and who isnt. i used this for 14 yr olds when they visited the college i was lecturing at and it worked well and they thought it was fun.
quick and easy for you
Re: Physio talk to kids - help?!
Hope this helps............... re-read what i sent. The kids face each other, and while your shouting out the different parts of the body they point to the area either on themselfs or the person they are facing and its down to you to just see who is quick of the mark when getting the correct answer.
Re: Physio talk to kids - help?!
Thanks, helped a lot. I'm going to do something pretty similar to what you suggested - tomorrow in fact! Thank you.
Re: Physio talk to kids - help?!
no worries, ive done a couple of years as a lecturer so if i can help in future let me know... ive got some material still for presentaions and im on here quite alot to update my cpd. good luck tmz