Shoulder subluxation
Hi, just wondering if anyone can advise me.
I have been asked to see a young athlete who subluxed his shoulder a couple of weeks ago. The specialist has decided to treat the injury conservatively. Am I right in thinking that treatment will be aimed at regaining full ROM and
rotator cuff strength? Is anyone aware of any restrictions, i.e. should we be avoiding external rotation?
Thank you
Re: Shoulder subluxation
Hi Sally,
I would suggest your question regarding restrictions (e.g. avoidance of ER / Abd & ER) should be directed to the treating specialist as it is likely to depend on the clinical presentation. Generally, it may be advisable to avoid these potentially provocative positions particularly in the first few weeks following injury. Rehab for shoulder instability or following shoulder dislocation should certainly focus on restoring ROM,
rotator cuff strength, improving posture and scapular stability. You may be interested in checking out the above links for more information.
Hope that helps,