matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
i have a friend who had accident which caused lower end femur fracture with crush patella fracture and had plating done for femur with total patellectomy 1 yr back. Now his knee range is 40 degrees.he has adhesions in qudriceps muscle.he is suggested either adhesiolysis or marix rhythm question is which will be better option?? how good recovery will matrix therapy give??how long will it take to achieve 100 to 120 degrees of range??
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
if the adhesion of qudriceps muscle is the problem, then adhesiolysis wont help, because its generalized myofascial restriction dat limits the movts, and the skin and myofascial adhesion can be released by manual techniques , adhesiolysis is helpful in restriction due to inert structures, MFR and other tech likes MET, PNF are of great benefit .Usually after 1 year,it is very difficult to gain ROM in patients with patellectomy,Now goal will be, gain at least functional ROM of 90-100 which is still hard.
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
hii salil
i think matrix rhythmus therapy and arthosopic adhesion release and exs, definately u ll get complete recovery.
don't waste ur time.adhesion ll become very hard..then very difficult manage...
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
hi...can someone please tell me where can i find matrix rhythm therapy in madhya pradesh state of india ?? the major cities in the state are bhopal, indore, jabalpur, itarsi, rewa
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
hii mr. tilak....
there is no matrix therapy equipment in madhyapradesh....for this treatment u have to come to pune or mumbai....
for this no..9860143257
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
thank u for it possible to buy matrix rhythm equipment or rent it for a few days...what are the other ways for making it available in madhya pradesh as it is urgently required there ??
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
plz call mr.Deshpande 9820751159, he is Dealer of india. He ll help u.. tell my name to him.
u ll require physiotherapist in MP....for matrix therapy treatment
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
thank you, mr. deshpande seems to be out of india currently...could you help out with contacts of other dealers ??
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
mr.Deshpande is the only dealer of matrix therapy in India.....plz wait until he return to india
thank u
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
Can anyone tell me how much is the cost of Matrix Rythmus therapy per sitting in Pune? Also approximately how many sittings are required for frozen shoulder..
Re: matrix rhythm therapy for adhesion in quadriceps
Originally Posted by
Can anyone tell me how much is the cost of Matrix Rythmus therapy per sitting in Pune? Also approximately how many sittings are required for frozen shoulder..
matrix treatment charges will be around 2000-2500Rs per session in pune. for frozen shoulder 2-3 session require along with exs.
contact-- 98660143257