Ankle Sprain
I sprained my ankle 1.5 months ago, and I've been laying off of it and it's been healing fine. Now, when I walk (and even run, etc), there's no pain, but only if I warm it up a lot beforehand. When I wake up in the morning, there's a ton of pain on the ankle for the first 30 seconds of walking, and also for when I've been sitting for long periods of time. Has anyone ever had this experience before? I'm getting really frustrated on what to do. Thanks in advance.
Re: Ankle Sprain
Hi Pacoman,
I would suggest you see a physiotherapist for accurate diagnosis and treatment of your ankle sprain. Your symptoms sound largely inflammatory, as inflammation typically accumulates with rest and typically lasts 48 - 72 hours after injury or injury aggravation. As a general guideline, increasing pain with rest usually indicates you have aggravated your injury prior to your rest period. You may also benefit from following the RICE regime. You may be interested in checking out the above links for some detailed information.
Hope that helps and good luck,