Wrist Injuiry
hey guys
i have fractured my scalphoid clean in the middle playing rugby. i went 4
mri the blood vessel is stil active. i hurt it preseason rested it up now done it again. i have just made it in the State team and finals are 6 weeks away and state tour is 7 weeks i was playing before with it fractured just taped it up. i now have hard plastic cast but i want to know how i can play asap custom playing casts? i have approx 3 weeks rest then definately need to play again...
thanks Shane
Re: Wrist Injuiry
I would seek about ten sessions of magnetic hoop therapy or two sessions of shockwave therapy (low-level) proven to reunite ununited fractures so should work to increase healing rate. Although i would suggest immobilising for the three weeks. Remember the scaphiod can cause osteonecrois of the scaphiod bone if push to far. playing cast sorry can't help
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Re: Wrist Injuiry
Hi mate
Where could I recieve these therapy types? Do you know approx cost..?
my wrist has been imobilised 4 about 1 week now so if I was going 2 play min 3 weeks? What if my scaphoid is not going 2 heal unless surgery still 3 weekd... Are you sure there is no brace that can help,like padding of somesort or movement restriction firm from flexing..
Thanks 4 help been very helpful
If you could help little more
Would be greatly appreciated
Many Thanks Shane
Re: Wrist Injuiry
about £350 for x 10 magnetic
£200 per session shockwave therapy
depends where your are based?
this link is the best i have found.
Bauerfeind AG-RhizoLoc® - Stabilizing orthosis for stabilization of the thumb saddle and first metacarpophalangeal joints is the best company i know of and even they dont do a playing support because its too dangerous to play unless full united. can take 6-12 weeks without the above therapies, might reduce by a third if lucky with therapies.
Re: Wrist Injuiry
hi there, i am also a rugby player and injured my wrist in march 2010. i initially attended for an xray at that time and 2 weeks later to be told no signs of fracture (i played the 2 weeks inbetween). i continued to play with the wrist heavily strapped until the end of the season and then hoped it would settle with rest until pre-season. unfort when i returned to contact sessions in august it was as bad as ever and referred myself to ortho who re-xrayed only to find non-union of fractured scaphoid!!
obviously during the time continuing to work and play it did not heal. i had a cannulated screw inserted at the end of august 2010 and was not allowed to play / train for 6 months so not looking after this area now can lead to even longer on the sidelines and permenant problems!
i understand your eagerness to play and certainly there is certain tapings that can reduce the range of the wrist to reduce pain but you need to consider it carefully and balance up if this is worth it as if you play even with it taped and injure it further how long may you be out for?????
i also looked into wrist supports and although i have now returned to play i am still apprehensive about landing on my wrist and dont know if that will ever change.
i hope this is some help for you from someone who has been through similar concerns to yourself
Re: Wrist Injuiry
Your point is just right gillion, well put. It was bad judgement by the original x-ray team. the protocol for any wrist trauma, especially when pain is under thumb is to take one close to trauma and a second two weeks later. As intial fracture is often hidden. Meaning stories like yours can happen - it is studies are now showing union can be enhanced by 1-2 sessions of shockwave therapy within 6 weeks. Amazing considering there is no screw or surgery. Any way great illustration
Re: Wrist Injuiry
That can only be said once looking at the present condition of yours. Any random suggestion can spoil the condition more. Mostly wrist injuries are X-rayed to evaluate the possibility of a fracture. But wrist is composed of many small bones, so for diagnosis of such bones and their overlapping alignment other tests such as arthrograms and MRI scans, maybe required. Though the wrist is functionally important, there treatments for serious wrist injury have not yet yielded optimal results. This makes you to suffer from a serious, long and struggling wrist injury. Physiotherapy relaxes you a bit, by increasing the mobility and giving a satisfaction.
Re: Wrist Injuiry
My doctors at OrhoTexas suggested the following treatment :
The first treatment for many common conditions that cause relief to wrist pain is to rest the joint, and allow the acute inflammation to subside. It is important, however, to use caution when resting the joint, because prolonged immobilization can cause a stiff joint. Adjusting your activities so as not to irritate the joint can help prevent worsening of wrist pain.
Also, Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments for wrist pain.