Poor progress following an Acromion] debdridement
I'm a physio rather new to the MSK scene having worked in acute care primarily after graduating. So I am a bit uncertain if the symptoms my patient displays around abnormal following an acromial debridement. His left shoulder was debrided nearly 8 weeks ago. He still has a moderate tear in the supraspinatus which they are not about to repair and prior to the surgery had longstanding subacromial bursitis.
Currently his range 8/52 post is barely 60 degrees of abduction with acute pain and catching at end range that requires passive lowering to neutral. Flexion is around 80 degrees and external rotation is 25. I have been reviewing him since he was 5 weeks post surgery and his progress has been rather stagnant.
He is not due for a review with his surgeon for another month. However due to this lack of progress should he be encouraged to push the review forward, or should these symptoms eventually subside if it is treated acutely?