The Patella Problem
Hello everyone
I was told I had fluid under the knee cap which caused my patella to hurt when running mostly when accelerating/decelerating and squatting etc. I took ibuprofen and used a cold compress to get rid of the inflammation. Now the pain I was feeling in my patella seems to move all around my patella and up the inner side of my knee cap and get less sore and then worse all at random.
I do physio every day, one legged squats, strech quads hamstrings itb and leg raises.
I have barely done anything but running about a mile in a month and it is not going away. every time I feel I'm making progress the pain just comes back.
What should I do?
Re: The Patella Problem
I would suggest you discuss your questions regarding your knee pain that may be due to patellofemoral pain syndrome with a physiotherapist. Rest from aggravating activities is an essential component of treatment and it may be that your level of activity / rehab exercises are beyond what your knee is ready for. You may be interested in checking out the above link for detailed information on these injuries.
Hope that helps and good luck,