Working in Canada before PCE
Hello, Im a Canadian citizen but living abroad. Ive got my Masters degree in physio at a Czech University.
I was wondering if its posible to start working as a physio assistant before i get my registration?
Which is better workwise, BC, or Alberta?
Re: Working in Canada before PCE
Yes, you may work as a physio assistant. The government of ALberta hires such. Since you are a Canadian you will find it easy to get a job, as long as your english is good. Have you tried the albertahealth website? If anymore help needed, contact me. [email protected] (I have another czech physio who works for me, but his training was in US) best of luck - although I doubt you'll need luck, there are lots of jobs.
Re: Working in Canada before PCE
Hello Crystal,
I am a Nigerian trained physiotherapist with 5 and half years experience. I am almost done with my credetialling and interested in working in BC. I heard its possible to work as an intern. I'd appreciate any input concerning Canadaian physio experience and the best place to start from in order to integrate. thank you