Hi guys, if you want work anywhere in the UK then feel free to contact us. We will be sure to help you find work. You can call 00 44 208 559 8855 or email hadley@harrietellis.com
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Hi guys, if you want work anywhere in the UK then feel free to contact us. We will be sure to help you find work. You can call 00 44 208 559 8855 or email hadley@harrietellis.com
Hi Harriet
my name is Eszter Bartsch from Hungary i don't know if you can help find job for foreigners. I got my degree in Hungary in 2003 and I worr from august in a hospital. My counry will be member of the Europen Unio in may. If You could recommend a job for me i will be very grateful. Thanks for everything
Hi my name is Maart from the netherlands and would like to get in contact for a new experience in my live on the job field. 25 years old. please contact me on demaart@wanadoo.nl thanx.
This is Mr.Sangram Shinde, a qualified Physiotherapist from Mumbai, INDIA, I have over 5 yrs. experience in a 150 bedded multispecialty Hospital in Mumbai- INDIA.
I am registered with the HPC & my reg. no. is PH68075.
I wish to work as a Senior II Physiotherapist in the UK.
Kindly send me the details.
My Email: fitphysio@hotmail.com