wrist tenosynovitis - recovery period?
Hi physios,
I'm in need of your advice in terms of timelines for an injury I sustained from sitting at a desk. Who knew it would be such an hazard!!
So about 2 months ago I felt a sharp pain in at the base of my left wrist. To be honest I'm not surprised it started to play up after all I have had a chronic shoulder injury (torn labrum) for many years. My bad shoulder is manageable and is now in a good condition. My biggest concern is how I treat my left wrist and what I need to do to help it recover. It's hard for me to rely on using my right hand to type all the time as I compressed the ulnar nerve 18 months ago and it's just starting to get better.
The physio has done mainly trigger release work and I have started to try to release the trigger points in my forearm (there are many on both sides). the osteo believes theres a lot of swelling so I'm trying to manage this with heating and using a tens machine to release muscle tension.
I'd appreciate any advice about what options I could consider. Is it worth getting scans done when it is just an inflammation of the tendon sheath? I'm also interested in any advice people have re the types of exercises I can try.