Football injury
I very painfully twisted my ankle inwards about 5 weeks ago while playing football and foolishly continued to play football in goal instead, making saves with a sore ankle, but since then I haven't really done any proper stretching of my ankle or been to the doctors for advice.
I've been walking normally, but I've twisted the same ankle a further 2 times since the initial twist and it's now very painful to try to bend inwards.
I can still walk fine, and bend my foot forwards, backwards and outwards without pain, but trying to bend inwards is very sore.
There are also some clicking noises.
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Football injury
Is your ankle quite swollen? Can you see any bruise around the lateral malleolus? ( the sticky prominent bone we have right on the lateral side of our ankle)
a good thing you can do is:
Rest it (If you can walk fine, possibly your injury is not very serious, but try to not overdo and take it easy for a couple of week)
Ice it (no more than 10 minutes in a row and don't apply ice directly on skin but wrap the ice pack with a little towel. You could do that 3 times per day 10 min ice on 10 min ice off for 3 times)
Compress it (you may find some elastic compression anklet in pharmacy, explain to your pharmacist why you want to buy it)
Elevate it (with a support under your knee as it is better to not over extend your knee, try to keep your ankle over the level of the knee, and you may also introduce some gentle movement of the ankle, at the very first stage avoid inward movements of your foot)
that should help, best thing obviously is to consult a colleague who will test properly your ankle and will have a better idea of your injury.
All the best