Looking for Australian sponsorship
I am looking for sponsorship for my boyfriend. I am an Australian permanent resident and hoping to move back to Perth next year. My boyfriend is currently working as a senior physiotherapist for the NHS and we are looking for a job for him to go in to.
I have family in Perth and so we want to stay within Perth and not regional. If anyone has any vacancies or knows of anything. We can forward a CV to you.
Kind Regards
Re: Looking for Australian sponsorship
Hi laura,
I dont know if you have found anything yet, and I know you don't want to go regional, but I thought I would let you know that I have a vancancy in Collie WA (only 2 hours south of Perth). I would be happy to look into sponsoring your husband if you are both interested.
Jasmine Hulls
Re: Looking for Australian sponsorship
Thank you so much for the offer but that is a little too far away from my family for us.
Very kind of you to post and thank you very much!