Limited Registration supervision?
Hi everyone,
Can someone clarify something for me...
With limited registration in the public interest you have to work supervised. Does this mean that you wont be able to see patients on your own?
My partner is a senior physio and doesn't really want to have to work supervised. Or does supervision just mean that he has someone to turn to if needed?
I have emailed the physio council but im impatient waiting for a reply.
Re: Limited Registration supervision?
My partner is a senior physio and doesn't really want to have to work supervised.
That's funny! Why not? Where is his problem? Especially as a Senior Physio he should be confident enough to have his work supervised - or even be glad to be able to show off. :)
Supervision means that someone else will check on the work that you are doing. No, they will not sit next to you in every single treatment session, but might review your notes and counter-sign them, do regular peer reviews and clinical supervision. Amount and frequency is usually determined on a case by case basis.
You have probable got this, but it is quite a good reference:
Second to last is the supervision guideline.
Hope this helps,
Re: Limited Registration supervision?
Thanks for your reply.
He has a good position here and doesn't really want to take a step back to where he is not allowed to make decisions for himself regarding cases he may have, hence me trying to find out the extent of supervision.
thanks for the link. I will keep looking
Re: Limited Registration supervision?
if he does not "want to take a step back" - then why would he want to apply for limited registration?
Tell him to apply for full registration.