ACL: concentric vs. isometric
I am interested in carrying out research in comparing concentric vs. isometric strengthening in the conservative management of a ACL patient. Just looking for some general advice about this topic and what outcome measures would be suitable. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated!
Re: ACL: concentric vs. isometric
just a quick note, but I would think that BOTH would need to be done in the conservative management of ACL injuries rather than Vs. are you suggesting only doing one or other, or are you assessing when best to do each?
Re: ACL: concentric vs. isometric
I agree with Grant, they tend to occur in stages, not in isolation. I'd look up the latest research in ACL repair, then take note of what these studies recommend in regards to future studies for some study ideas.
Re: ACL: concentric vs. isometric
Was going to try and assess which one was more effective but realised this is impossible as there both a necessary for ACL rehab so I'm now looking at whether core stability exercises reduces the risk of re-injury post ACL reconstruction.