Who is going through NPTE credential evaluation in California (San Jose)?
I'm a Hong Kong trained physio waiting to get through credential evaluations in California (San Jose). I'm new to this place...Just want to get in touch with other physios who are doing the same as me in San jose to share info and maybe form a study group together? Email me at [email protected]. Thank you.
Re: Who is going through NPTE credential evaluation in California (San Jose)?
Just wanted to give u guys an update. I've passed NPTE and will write the jurisprudence exam shortly. I'll be starting to find PTLA jobs very soon. but anyone has any idea of how I could find any available positions? People suggested calling clinics in the area and asking if their place trains PTLAs. But is there a list of clinics that lists which clinics take PTLAs?
Re: Who is going through NPTE credential evaluation in California (San Jose)?
Originally Posted by
Just wanted to give u guys an update. I've passed NPTE and will write the jurisprudence exam shortly. I'll be starting to find PTLA jobs very soon. but anyone has any idea of how I could find any available positions? People suggested calling clinics in the area and asking if their place trains PTLAs. But is there a list of clinics that lists which clinics take PTLAs?
I am in a similar boat.. Passed NPTE, waiting to take jurisprudence exam and also start with PTLA process.
I have tried calling folks here in San Jose area.. and they wanted me to literally work for free.luckily I have also applied for Oregon, NY and NJ state licenses as a backup..to gain 6 months experience to bring it back to CA.
Can you update me with the status of your position now please?
Re: Who is going through NPTE credential evaluation in California (San Jose)?
I actually just finished my 6 month paid supervision at a PT clinic. Submitted the papers and took them a month to process it. They asked for a $100 initial license fee just now and is estimated to take another 5 WEEKS to process. During this time, I still have to work under supervision as PTLA.
To get a job, you have to make cold calls in your city and see which clinic takes in PTLAs. NEVER WORK FOR FREE!
Originally Posted by
I am in a similar boat.. Passed NPTE, waiting to take jurisprudence exam and also start with PTLA process.
I have tried calling folks here in San Jose area.. and they wanted me to literally work for free.luckily I have also applied for Oregon, NY and NJ state licenses as a backup..to gain 6 months experience to bring it back to CA.
Can you update me with the status of your position now please?